Friday, December 16, 2005

Railways vs Skybus

Dear Shri Batra,
Sub: Skybus technology: self-denial of revenue by Ministry of Railways
  1. All components of Skybus technology are railway’s proven ones over the last century!

  2. The only point to be proven was whether the suspended configuration can travel safely at high speeds- the CCRS for Railways prescribed the same safety /comfort norms as used for suburban railways, and the oscillation trial results prove that the system satisfies the norms.

  3. The same railway rules for certifying the system components, like track certificate, the rolling stock certificate, the signal operational certificate- followed exactly as per opening of a railway by my HODs and as MD I approved the same, classifying the same as a deemed railway, and under the Railway Act wanted the CRS to certify for public carriage, since the same railway codes were followed in all the aspects.

  4. CRS Central Railway inspected the track saw the oscillation results and examined all the documents filed by Konkan Railway in Dec 04/Jan 2005, was in principle fully satisfied with the records, and bench marked against existing railway standards, willing to certify the same as safe technology.

  5. But then the Ministry of Railways took initiative to set aside my order. I locally ordered that the Skybus can be substantively classified and certified under the legal umbrella of Railway Act, even though for appearance it is different, but intrinsically by physics of being a rail guided system and using all the railway systems of railway track, railway underframe with normal railway bogies, railway braking systems, and railway signaling systems- is easy for railway men to understand and certify.

  6. The Ministry in their wisdom taking such stand is actually hurting the self-interest in addition to national interest. A non-technical ministry like UD Ministry, effectively is at loss not knowing what to do.

  7. Had the Ministry of Railways allowed me to certify the system at that time through CRS, by this time, all the metro projects in the country would have been using the Skybus technology, at the investment levels of Rs 50,000 cr, the Ministry would have gained through Konkan Railway royalty of Rs 5000 cr over the next 3 to 4 years!

  8. The investment that we did of Rs 50 cr, has served the purpose of proving the dynamics, and the doubts about safety don’t exist any more because of the excellent results obtained- we don’t have to prove any other items which are basically proven railway elements used by us regularly. It is to be realized that for no purpose, the Ministry is hurting itself leaving the initiative to Urban dev Ministry, who are denying the benefit to the Railways!

  9. What is required now is to, allow the CRS Central Rly to go ahead and certify, under Railway Act, but when adopted in cities, the local authorities may go ahead and get the system certified under the Local Tramway Act, so long as it remains within city limits, but following the same rules as under the Railway Act, and CRS may continue to have jurisdiction.
The choice: Gain Rs 5000 cr over next 3 to 4 years as royalty ( Skybus being financially viable, will beat all others) or prepare to answer for wasteful expenditure of Rs 50 cr because of own folly of not being fair to self!
I promise you that if the Railway Board stands by me, I can make it happen: I only need the policy support. Hope this historic opportunity is not wasted.
With regards, Yours sincerely,
(image placeholder)
Shri J.P. Batra
Chairman/Railway Board/New Delhi


Blogger Engr. B. Rajaram ;Inventor ACD/Skybus said...

Please visit and also scan through the pages at Any authority or Private party who would like to put up financially viable , scalable system to cover the requirements like a regular heavy metro rail, and financially viable while being safer and upgradable to future hydrogen cell power-packs, surley can avail this technolgoy. It is actually simple. TuV Germany will certify for the technical safety for public carriage of passengers.

3:36 AM  

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