Friday, December 30, 2005

Your Excellency Prime Mimister Japan

Your Excellency,

An  Appeal- to  add to human wealth

     Human greed shall not be allowed to rob wealth of one community to enrich another community. Such development model is not sustainable.  A highly developed country with strong economy has a responsibility to see that their help to another country should not engender forces to sabotage effectively human growth. This can happen when the tremendous economic strength and short term interest of established industry of one community, leverage themselves to make local experts of another country to lobby for uneconomic and unsafe technology, killing local initiative to find better solutions. In fact, the short sighted aggressive marketing by companies of established economies, using their Government  support to provide long term  soft loans to cover up the inefficient old economically outdated technologies-  hurts long term interests of both the provider as well as the receiver of such aid. Fundamental financial sustainability if not ensured. It becomes an instrument of transfer of wealth and ultimately not sustainable.
     This scene can be re-written- by progressively innovating and re-engineering, one can keep service technologies within economic affordability. Communication technologies have shown the path already. The same cannot be said of rail transport. The same hundred year old coned wheel over rail has substantially continued, and the problems of derailments and capsizing continue. There is no positive restraining link between the guiding railway track and the running steel bogie- once the wheels leave the rail, it is an uncontrollable coach with passengers or cargo crashing out at any thing in sight with serious damages. If we can change this by providing the hither to missing positive link, we all should be happy to continue to use the proven railway technology! That is the innovation done by Mr B. Rajaram, when he presented the Skybus technology -granted patents by USA too. The same high speed transit on the same railway bogies is assured, while providing a positive link now, between the bogie and the rail track, so that coach can never derail nor capsize.
     In the year 2000 the concepts presented and in 2001 eminent scientists like Dr Abdul Kalam, Dr Anil Kakodkar as well as a working Commissioner of Railway Safety through bench marking process concluded that Skybus technology is an improved rail based technology, safer than existing conventional railway. The same railway bogies/ rails and all elements of proven railway only are used, so the existing industry need not lose the benefit of existing manufacturing facilities.
     The major advantage of Skybus technology an improved rail-based system, is that , earlier  we are forced to design providing for unknown forces of derailments etc- thus not allowing optimisation.  Skybus technology allows a more realistic estimates of forces to which the system has to be designed- so tremendous economy results in. For instance,  the capital cost of setting up an urban transport with a capacity of 6 million air-conditioned journeys per day over 100 km of network , works out to US$  1.5 b (in India), and will take  less than 3 years to commission. Compare this to current solution of conventional metro rail- you need to spend more than US$ 4 to 5 b and will take 5 to 7 years.  Thus the Skybus technology makes metro rail based urban transport financially viable and safer. Additionally the Skybus technology gives a total solution- can handle cargo too- which is not taken care of by conventional metro rail system. By adopting Skybus technology all the Governments in the world will be able to provide economic, safer and comfortable travel infrastructure with least burden on public funds.
     Since Skybus is substantially the same as railway technology, except much more improved- it is so easy to implement and safety levels are many times more assured, by avoiding crashing of coaches. Internationally respected certifying agency like TUV Rhineland, Germany assessed that the technology is mature for safe implementation. Dynamic test results prove that the Skybus technology improves the riding quality of metro rail ten times more!  But it is sad that common public is still denied the benefit of the technology because of the strong lobbies funded by the existing metro rail equipment manufacturing  companies. Yes for some period, the technology of Skybus could be delayed by such powerful lobbies- but eventually the Skyvus is the right answer.
     My prayer, as the sole inventor and developer of the technology, (and who has not retained any rights to derive personal benefit of the Intellectual Property, but assigned the same to the Government of India), is that Your esteemed country may initiate a process of introspection by your industry, as well as review policy of your government, unknowingly ( may be) force uneconomic and unsafe technologies not only in my country but in your country too!
     I believe all humans on the planet deserve a better deal- improved quality of life at reducing costs!  

B. Rajaram  M.Tech., F.I.E., F.N.A.E.,        
Former Managing Director/ Konkan Railway Corp.,
Inventor & developer; Anti-collision and Skybus Metro rail technologies
Flat 205, 2-2-15, B9, D. D. Colony
Shivam Rd. Vidyanagar, Hyderabad 500007 AP
India       Tel: (91)40 2740 0365/  HP: (91)9346555550
Dt 30 Dec 2005
Happy new year to Hon'ble prime Minister! I again pray that your technical experts can interact with me and examine why Japan should go on burdening my country with such heavy debt burden on metro rails , which anyway is not helping your countrymen too, but create white elephants- while alternative technology breakthrough Skybus metro rail is available, which makes the urban transport a financially viable proposition. You loans to my country is only helping the european industries and eroding the wealth of my country, not withstanding the praise being showered on bureaucrats of my country for enabling such wealth transfer activity- and it is sad that your country should become a partener in this. My technology of Skybus cannot be stopped, but delayed, but hope you will avoid the embarrassment of supporting a wrong cause. With regards to the Hon'ble Prime Minister

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

B. Rajaram

Working for  Infrastructure Development model
to make  travel, food and shelter virtually free to all!
Er. B. Rajaram B.E., M.Tech., F.I.E IRSE(retd.,)
          Life Member Computer Society of India
Fellow of National Academy of Engineering
Inventor &Mentor Anti-collision / Skybus Technologies
Mr. B. Rajaram (born 1945) is a First Class First with Distinction Engineering graduate and an M.Tech from IIT/Kharagpur. Having served a decade in railway open line in various capacities, another decade in Railway research at RDSO & IIT, worked abroad as consultant till 1990.
He was involved with the Konkan railway project from the beginning of construction (1990) as a Chief Engineer, Director (Projects) and finally as the Managing Director(1998 to Jan, 2005).
The World Bank praised his management practices.
He has original contributions of new theories in rail-wheel and track-vehicle interactions in railway technologies recognized and published in the world forums.
He holds several patents abroad and in India for his inventions. His inventions cover railway technologies, world’s first Intelligent Anti-collision Devices (already under implementation over 2500km of route on Indian Railways), Sky Bus Metro (concept first presented in Bologna University Italy, by him in 1989)- in all 17 patents are assigned by him to the President through Konkan Railway Corporation, the royalty streams valued ( by Pricewater Coopers) at Rs 20,000 to 30,000 cr over 10 years with NPV of over Rs 8000 cr, if nurtured over next three years.
Research & technology innovation has been his passion. He is the recipient of FICCI national level award for Outstanding contribution to knowledge based industries in our country, as adjudged by Justice Bhagawathi committee, in 2004.
He believes it is in the realm of reality to make food, travel, communication and dwelling virtually free to all humans on the planet through bold application of science and technology to infrastructure development.
He wants India to lead the world in transportation, with Skybus technology, which makes metro-rail safer and financially affordable.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Railways vs Skybus

Dear Shri Batra,
Sub: Skybus technology: self-denial of revenue by Ministry of Railways
  1. All components of Skybus technology are railway’s proven ones over the last century!

  2. The only point to be proven was whether the suspended configuration can travel safely at high speeds- the CCRS for Railways prescribed the same safety /comfort norms as used for suburban railways, and the oscillation trial results prove that the system satisfies the norms.

  3. The same railway rules for certifying the system components, like track certificate, the rolling stock certificate, the signal operational certificate- followed exactly as per opening of a railway by my HODs and as MD I approved the same, classifying the same as a deemed railway, and under the Railway Act wanted the CRS to certify for public carriage, since the same railway codes were followed in all the aspects.

  4. CRS Central Railway inspected the track saw the oscillation results and examined all the documents filed by Konkan Railway in Dec 04/Jan 2005, was in principle fully satisfied with the records, and bench marked against existing railway standards, willing to certify the same as safe technology.

  5. But then the Ministry of Railways took initiative to set aside my order. I locally ordered that the Skybus can be substantively classified and certified under the legal umbrella of Railway Act, even though for appearance it is different, but intrinsically by physics of being a rail guided system and using all the railway systems of railway track, railway underframe with normal railway bogies, railway braking systems, and railway signaling systems- is easy for railway men to understand and certify.

  6. The Ministry in their wisdom taking such stand is actually hurting the self-interest in addition to national interest. A non-technical ministry like UD Ministry, effectively is at loss not knowing what to do.

  7. Had the Ministry of Railways allowed me to certify the system at that time through CRS, by this time, all the metro projects in the country would have been using the Skybus technology, at the investment levels of Rs 50,000 cr, the Ministry would have gained through Konkan Railway royalty of Rs 5000 cr over the next 3 to 4 years!

  8. The investment that we did of Rs 50 cr, has served the purpose of proving the dynamics, and the doubts about safety don’t exist any more because of the excellent results obtained- we don’t have to prove any other items which are basically proven railway elements used by us regularly. It is to be realized that for no purpose, the Ministry is hurting itself leaving the initiative to Urban dev Ministry, who are denying the benefit to the Railways!

  9. What is required now is to, allow the CRS Central Rly to go ahead and certify, under Railway Act, but when adopted in cities, the local authorities may go ahead and get the system certified under the Local Tramway Act, so long as it remains within city limits, but following the same rules as under the Railway Act, and CRS may continue to have jurisdiction.
The choice: Gain Rs 5000 cr over next 3 to 4 years as royalty ( Skybus being financially viable, will beat all others) or prepare to answer for wasteful expenditure of Rs 50 cr because of own folly of not being fair to self!
I promise you that if the Railway Board stands by me, I can make it happen: I only need the policy support. Hope this historic opportunity is not wasted.
With regards, Yours sincerely,
(image placeholder)
Shri J.P. Batra
Chairman/Railway Board/New Delhi

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Atri Knowledge Embedded Infrastructure Lab.,

Mission:  Develop and promote innovative knowledge embedded intelligent infrastructure technologies to improve quality of lives at reducing costs to create wealth for common man!
Strategy: Digitally empowered knowledge-embedded- infrastructure-evolution to make basic infrastructure of roads, railways, air/sea ports, power management, healthcare, water/sewage management, municipal house keeping functions, habitat development for under-privileged, agricultural water management/ harvesting/ transportation to processing centers, basic food processing and delivery systems, educational support – almost covering the entire gamut of human life.
Plan of Action: Play the role of a catalyst as well as come up with practical concepts to convince the primary owners/ creators of infrastructures to try out pilot projects in each of the human endeavor, to become a model for others to follow.

Current Projects:

  • Anti-collision Device networks first version to be upgraded to SIL level 4 in three years, to auto-drive and control trains.

  • Satdham system of train management at stations to be fully developed for integrating with the ACD network to create Intelligent Rail Transport system.

  • Complete development of Self- stabilizing tracks for railways, with next generation intelligence built in to monitor and direct maintenance effort.

  • Rolling stock in line health monitoring system to reliably identify through vibration signature analysis, less than healthy rolling stock, which needs attention.

  • Complete development of Skybus technologies

  • Derailment arrestors technology improvements

  • Suspenders to have intelligence to control loading and oscillations and improved safety against unforeseen combination of events causing adverse conditions.

  • Sky-stations to have in-built intelligence to deal with differently enabled users

  • Special auto-driving devices with artificial intelligence, to be capable of handling safely all conceivable as well as improbable train management challenges efficiently.

  • Improved flexible coach design with built in self-monitoring intelligence, causing paradigm shift to produce better performance at lower costs.

  • Extension to automatically manage house keeping functions for a municipality

  • High-speed economic inter-city transport for goods and people using the Skybus technology.

  • Sea-ports: Improve by ten-fold productivity of ports utilizing Skybus technology, by implementing Sky-con service. The ports can become empowered with intelligent cargo handling systems

  • Airports: Intelligent airport design incorporating the Skybus technology, transforms the airport as we know, the design approach to handle millions of passengers will be positively influenced.

  • Rail based transport for inaccessible and inhospitable Himalayan mountain range, for people and goods including defence requirements, with all weather capability with self-propelled units can be provided by the Skybus technology, most economically.

  • Water-supply/sewerage systems: Next generation systems with built-in knowledge embedded devices net working with each other, to produce the most cost effective services with improved quality.
Roads/habitats: Concepts of flowing, self-balancing structural elements embedded with intelligence designed to produce affordable habitats for the economically challenged.